Augmented Reality Dapp

Raymond Tech article on Hololens 2

Recently, while researching Augmented Reality(AR) in pursuit of accessible and affordable options, I came across a revelation and was inspired by Microsoft's Hololens and Hololens 2.

Lifted from Raymond Tech's article about the Hololens 2, Check it out

The Tech in our pockets is getting more and more advanced each day, being able to instantly scan items, capture pictures at blazing speeds, communicate with anyone at anytime, so why can't I use it to view my life in a whole new way? Why cant I break through science fictions walls and use AR to make a consumer grade active Heads-Up Display(HUD)? 

Technically, at least in terms of hardware, I'm a step behind the giants across FAANG; with Google unveiling these beautiful lenses I'd love to tinker with and would immediately improve my life. The form factor they seemed to achieve however is exactly in line with what I'd like my final version to be but I don't see that happening quite soon. While it is cool that Leap Motion did just Open Source their Project North Star, and their software is exactly where I'd like to be on android, the expense and the complexity will definitely take a hot minute to conjure up. 

Leap Motion's Project North Star

 In fact, It's most likely my first lag-free variant will be something akin to kvtoet's High FOV AR setup

Lifted from the Hackaday Project page

My whole shtick is the lack of options for AR right now. To be entirely honest, I want a video game HUD as an accessibility tool. I want to be able to virtually keep notes, keep inventory of items, their locations, and what they could be used with/for. I want to be able to go through my pantry and instantly get recipe ideas because the system recognized the ingredients. To take it one step further, I want my system to be able to keep track of things I've used and provide low warnings that I can control the priority of.  And the key point that no one has yet to do, i want to be able top open my android apps in the AR. Scroll tiktok on my wall, browse eBay on my ceiling, Stream Xbox or Steam games on the go. And specifically, the two things parallel with Hololens, I want to be able to write sticky notes that stay there when I leave.  And I want to be able to Re-size the app windows or orientation. I want it as Open Source and decentralized as possible as i want connection to my services and internet connected parts hosted in a non-central way so that the project may live on even if I don't have the means.  All of this should be capable with hand tracking, nothing more. So to recap with a nice, condensed list:

  • Pin apps to walls or surfaces
  • Re-sizable/Rotatable Apps
  • Sticky Notes
  • Inventory/Item Management
  • Meal Planning and/or Recipe tracking in connection with inventory
  • Low warnings
  • Hand Tracking everything
  • Decentralize and allow possible inter-app communication*


Decentralization, node based inter-communication. I think the best place to immediately start implementing this aspect of the app is most likely in the literally "Sharing" aspect. Web3 and the web3.js that goes with it, have default support for the InterPlanetary File System. My first thought at least, this would allow a bridging between users for sharing content or for pulling files from the Smart Contract that starts the process. If possible though, just as we can host everything on the cloud these days, I want all background processes and the full back-end stack to be running on the blockchain. That is just the ambitious part. How I'm going to meld open source and the Ether I'm not entirely sure, if I even decide ethereum is my best bet, there are so many crypocurrencies out there at this point. Originally I wanted to use Google ARcore and Unreal Engine but I am striving to make this as Open Source as possible so we'll see what I can keep and what gets thrown into the propitiatory trash bin. 

Developmental Timeline

Luckily, I've been neck deep in research for awhile now so I think I know how and what I'm gonna do, and unfortunately one of the first steps is graphic design which isn't exactly my forte. Gotta make menus and key elements before I can basically start anything. However, the game plan as of this far is:

Project AR Timeline

  • Release AR Dapp Hardware and Software

    Either Q4 2024 or Q1 2025, App should be long completed and just updating to fix bugs and User requests, Hardware should be in final phase before completion. Whole device Public testing will be availble when this milestone is reached.

  • App Rollout and Hardware Development

    DELAYED TO Q4 2023: By 2023, It's planned to have a functioning AR Headset to test the software on instead of an old VR heaset, compiled app ready for testing and new hardware intergration.

    DELAYED TO Q2 2024: By Q1 2024 I would like to have a mostly ready app in production and usable by most android phones. Offically shift away from the centralized enviroment and mount the blockchain. Possibly launch on Google play store but the Amazon App Market and FOSS might be first due to cost.

  • App Development and Research

    Throughout my experiance in Software development, I've tested so many applications and submitted so many bugs. However, in that time I've picked up a few things, most of them being the starting tools of creation. Ive made 3D models, Robot controller apps, reskinned my BIOS, and many more. I hope to use what I've gained to push this project along on its quickest pases .

  • Initial Feasibility Survey and Website Building

    The Opposite Reaction Was rebuild and reawaked, ready for the most technical projects and some light blogging. An app is availible on the Amazon app Market but is more or less depreciated at this point.
